Social Media Guidelines issued by the Social Media Committee of the Federal and Commercial Litigation Section of the New York Bar Association

The Committee has issued interesting guidelines for those many lawyers who use social media in their practice. These are some of those guidelines:

“Guideline No. 1.A – Applicability of Advertising Rules”

“Guideline No. 1.B: Prohibited Use of “Specialists” on Social Media”

“Guideline No. 1.C: Lawyer Solicitation to View Social Media and a Lawyer’s Responsibility to Monitor Social Media Content”

“Guideline No. 2.A: Provision of General Information”

“Guideline No. 2.B: Public Solicitation is Prohibited Through ‘ Live’ Communications”

“Guideline No. 3.A: Viewing a Public Portion of a Social Media Website”

“Guideline No. 3.B: Contacting an Unrepresented Party to View a Restricted Portion of a Social Media Website”

“Guideline No. 3.C: Viewing A Represented Party’s Restricted Social Media Website”


Read the full report here: https://www.nysba…



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