California amendments to privacy law to entered into effect on January 1, 2015

Senate Bill n. 1710 amended sections 1798.81.5, 1798.82, and 1798.85 of California Civil Code. Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.81.5, 1798.82, and 1798.85 (personal information privacy) will go into effect on January 1, 2015.

The amendments enhanced the protection of California residents’ personal information by:

  • requiring the entity notifying a data breach to provide appropriate identity theft prevention and mitigation services;
  • extending the covered entities to those that “maintain” (in additions to owning or licensing) personal information about a California resident the duty to implement and maintain security procedures;
  • prohibiting the sale of an individual’s social security number.

Read Sections 1798.80 and following here

Senate Bill n. 1710, dated September 30, 2014, is available at…

Open Pdf

For information: Francesca Giannoni-Crystal

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