Arizona adds blockchain technology to corporate law

Arizona signed House Bill 2603 to add a definition in Section 10-140, Definition – Arizona Revised Statutes (Section 10, Corporations and Associations) In particular, now 10-140(53) reads: 53.  “WRITING” OR “WRITTEN” INCLUDES BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY AS DEFINED IN SECTION 44‑7061. See The definition of “blockchain technology” is contained in Section 44-7061: “distributed ledger technology that uses a distributed, […]


FCC repeals net neutrality rules

Today, on Dec 14, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) voted 3-2 to repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order, i.e., the Obama-era regulation requiring the companies to treat all web traffic alike. The repeal of net neutrality was performed by the passing of an order named “Restoring Internet Freedom,” which “essentially removes the FCC as a regulator […]

Comments to proposed amendments to nonlawyers’ provision of legal services in Washington state (update on limited license legal technicians)

Update – April 2017 In December 2016 the Washington Supreme Court published Proposed Amendments to nonlawyers’ provision of legal services opening for Comments (among others). The comment period closes April 30, 2017. Any changes adopted would be effective no earlier than September 2017. See proposed changes here: Background: The Washington state supreme court has adopted […]

North Carolina legislates that providing blank legal documents is not the practice of law but builds in consumer protection

On June 30, 2016, Ch. SL 2016-60, an amendment was added to modify North Carolina’s definition of “practice of law” (§ 84-2.2) in order to allow website providers – such as Legal Zoom – to offer interactive legal documents based on consumers’ answers to legal questions. Now the “practice of law” does not include websites offering this […]


FCC’s Omnibus Declaratory Ruling & Order with clarifications on telemarketing calls and commercial text messages released

On June 18, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted the Omnibus Declaratory Ruling and Order (released July 10, 2015). The Omnibus Ruling contains clarifications regarding requirements under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and FCC’s issued rules and orders. It imposes requirements for telemarketing calls and commercial text messages. The Omnibus Ruling took effect immediately […]


States that have adopted Comment 8 to Rule 1.1

Arizona (Link to ARPC available here) Arkansas (Link to ARPC available here) Connecticut (Link to CRPC available here) Delaware (Link to DRPC available here) Idaho (Link to IRPC available here) Kansas (Link to KRPC available here) Minnesota (Link to MRPC available here) New Mexico (Link to NMRPC available here) North Carolina (Link to NCRPC available […]


Washington State will soon have Legal Technicians to provide legal advice in Family Law

In 2012 the Washington Supreme Court adopted the Limited License Legal Technician (LLLT) Rule which authorizes a new legal professional who meets certain educational requirements to advise and assist clients in approved practice areas of law. The LLLT Board will begin licensing in Spring 2015. These nonlawyers will be licensed by the state to provide legal […]
