Google News Spain closes its operation due to a change to IP Law requiring (unwaivable) fair compensation for snippets from news aggregators

On December 11, 2014, Google announced the closing of operations of Google News España, the news channel for Spain.

Google News is a free service that includes news that publishers want to make public. It covers 70 international editions, and 35 languages.

On November 4, 2014, Spain passed a reform of the Law of Intellectual Property, which – among other things – modifies Article 32 of the Law of Intellectual Property requiring every Spanish publication to receive a “fair compensation” from services like Google News for showing the smallest snippet of content (“fragmentos no significativos de contenidos”) from their publications. The publishers’ right to compensation is unwaivable. Ley 21/2014.

Google explained that because Google News itself is not revenue producing – as it does not show any advertising – the new legislation is forcing it to to shut down.

Google blog is available at http://googlepolicyeurope…

Informations (in Spanish) on the new Canon AEDE here

Text of the legislation (in Spanish)  here

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