Romanian Cybersecurity legislation will be reviewed

On February 5, 2015, the President urged the Operative Council of Cybersecurity to review the legislation, “in order to find a balance between the respect of individual freedoms and preventing terrorism, cyber crime and combating corruption”. In a press released on January 21, 2015, “the sole authority of constitutional jurisdiction in Romania”, the Constitutional Court, […]

Is artificial intelligence a real danger? Which are its danger in the practice of law?

A number of leading scholars and business leaders have recently warned about the danger of artificial intelligence (see Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and Bill Gates among others). For example Elon Musk, patron of Tesla, said: “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, […]

HITECH Auditing to boost in 2015

Sources say that the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) will soon direct a new round of random audits to verify compliance with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (the HITECH Act). OCR is responsible for enforcing the HIPAA Privacy […]

“Minds Matter: H5, Rules-Based TAR, and Cooperation” – excerpt

“Minds Matter: H5, Rules-Based TAR, and Cooperation” – excerpt This article is about how H5‘s rules-based approach to technology-assisted review provides a great framework for illustrating cooperation in ediscovery. But first, some context. By this time next year, Rule 1 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure will have been amended to codify the principles of […]

Waiting for a “2014 in review”, here is my “Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”) – 2013 in Review” – published in SC Lawyer in March 2014

Originally published as Ethics Watch, Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”) – 2013 in Review in the South Carolina Lawyer in March 2014 In past years I have written a year-in-review Ethics Watch column, covering significant South Carolina ethics decisions and opinions, along with ABA Formal Opinions issued during the year. Because technology is playing an increasingly important role […]

Mexican Privacy Rules: The Time That Comes

In a globalized world where our economy revolves around information and its proper use and implementation, in Mexico it became necessary to create a legal system to protect personal data/information by following the steps of countries like the US, Canada, Spain, which are distinguished by their legal structure in this area. Seeking to be a […]

Vivi Down versus Google Video: Legal Analysis of the Second Instance Decision

Some considerations to the famous case “Vivi Down versus Google Video Italy” require to point out that the increasing evolution of technologies has determined on the one hand a certain crisis of “old” legal concepts (such as the connection between the territorial sovereignty of a State and its domestic jurisdiction), and on the other the […]

The hidden risks of dark data

Law firms produce great amounts of data while carrying out their business. Many information such as legacy file shares, back-up tapes, archives and former employee emails are generally stored but do not hold an immediate business purpose. These “miscellanea data” have been defined as “dark data”, i.e. those information assets organizations collect, process and store […]

Right to be forgotten in the USA and in Europe

The recent decision of the European Court of Justice in Google Spain SL v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos is a good opportunity to compare the obligation of search engines with reference to the search results in Europe and United States. The ruling of May 13, 2014, holds that all European citizens have a “right to […]

The Bank of Portugal (the Portuguese bank supervisor) just issued another alert on the use of virtual currencies, like bitcoin.

In Portugal, Europe, the Bank of Portugal issued an official warning on 03/10/2014 concerning the risks of virtual currency, like bitcoin. The Portuguese supervisor highlights the risks of the virtual money, considered unsafe, underlining that it is not regulated nor supervised by any national or European authority of the financial system. With the first bitcoin ATM […]