Google appealed French DPA’s sanction for failing to “forget” – A thought on Google’s “extraterritorial” argument

On March 28, 2016 the French DPA (CNIL) imposed a fine of EUR 100,000 on Google for inadequate implementation of the “right to be forgotten” – Google is appealing it. The appeal should take two years. The sanction was imposed for failing to comply with users’ requests to have links to personal information about them […]


Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, Federica Romanelli, The key aspects of the GDPR, i.e.a step to implement the European Digital Single Market Strategy

To establish common rules on data protection and to help implement the Digital Single Market Strategy, the European Union set forth two instruments to reform the 1995 data protection rules (see here): the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) the Data Protection Directive to ensure cross-border cooperation and protect personal data in the police and criminal […]


The key aspects of the GDPR, i.e.a step to implement the European Digital Single Market Strategy

To establish common rules on data protection and to help implement the Digital Single Market Strategy, the European Union set forth two instruments to reform the 1995 data protection rules (see here): the Gen eral Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) the Data Protection Directive to ensure cross-border cooperation and protect personal data in the police and […]


WP29 issues new opinion on law applicable in light of the CJEU judgement in Google Spain

On February 16, 2016, Article 29 Working Party (WP29) issued an update on Opinion 8/2010 on applicable law. The update provides explanations concerning the applicable law in light of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) judgement’s in Google Spain (or Costeja case, C-131/12). The ruling of May 13, 2015 held that EU data subjects have a right […]

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The EU finds agreement on data protection reform: Formalization in early 2016 and entering into effect in 2018

On December 15, 2015, the EU Commission announced that it found an agreement with the EU Council and the Parliament, following the trilogue meetings. Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality said, ” Citizens and businesses will profit from clear rules that are fit for the digital age, that give strong protection and […]


EU Data Protection Regulation update: EU Council reaches agreement on main topics of Regulation

On June 15, 2015, Ministers in the Justice Council have sealed a General Approach on the Commission Data Protection Regulation proposal. According to the Commission’s memo, the general approach on the Data Protection Regulation includes agreement on the following main topics: One continent-one law – the Regulation will establish a single set of rules on data […]

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Italian DPA finds that misleading snippets must be deleted but in case under review Google had already done it

On December 18, 2014, the Italian Data Protection Authority (DPA) issued an order with which it confirmed that the right to be forgotten must be balanced with the public interest to read recent important facts.  However, in addition to confirming the need to balance the right to be forgotten with the freedom of expression, the order […]

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EU Data Protection Regulation FAQs

What is this all about? The EU is in the process of reforming its existing data protection rules. Unfortunately these reforms are currently subject to significant delay. But despite this set-back Cordery strongly recommends that businesses keep an eye firmly on the ball as the reforms go well beyond an upgrade – good planning ahead […]

Joris Van Hoboken, The European Approach to Privacy

2014 TPRC Conference Paper Abstract This paper critically assesses the character of European (Union’s) privacy law and policy in the field of online media and electronic communications. Contrary to current understanding, this field of law is more fragmented and ill-developed than is often assumed, in particular by those discussing privacy law and policy in an […]

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