Cristina Vicarelli, Cookies: ten things to consider

Nowadays in Italy there is a big debate on “cookies”. Starting on June 3, 2015, data controllers shall implement the requirements issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante) with  Decision no. 229 of 8 May 2014 “Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies” (Published in the Official Journal no. 126 of […]

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Cookies: ten things to consider

Nowadays in Italy there is a big debate on “cookies”. Starting on June 3, 2015, data controllers shall implement the requirements issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante) with  Decision no. 229 of 8 May 2014 “Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies” (Published in the Official Journal no. 126 of […]

Waiting for a “2014 in review”, here is my “Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”) – 2013 in Review” – published in SC Lawyer in March 2014

Originally published as Ethics Watch, Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”) – 2013 in Review in the South Carolina Lawyer in March 2014 In past years I have written a year-in-review Ethics Watch column, covering significant South Carolina ethics decisions and opinions, along with ABA Formal Opinions issued during the year. Because technology is playing an increasingly important role […]

Ethical use of social media – Presentation of September 23, 2014

Podcast Ethicla use of social media – Presentation of September 23, 2014   Q&A   1) Review and use of evidence from social media. 1.A. Is it ethical to view a represented party’s social media page? By lawyer. In NYRPC, Rule 4.2 provides a basic prohibition of communication with a represented party, unless the lawyer has […]

Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”) – 2013 in Review – Part Two

Originally published as Ethics Watch: Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”): 2013 in Review, South Carolina Lawyer 14 (March 2014) Bidding on the name of a competitor firm to obtain a sponsored link above the competitor in a Google search does not violate Wisconsin’s privacy law.  Under Wisconsin law use of a person’s name for advertising purposes without […]

Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”) – 2013 in Review – Part One

Originally published as Ethics Watch: Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”): 2013 in Review, South Carolina Lawyer 14 (March 2014) In past years I have written a year-in-review Ethics Watch column, covering significant South Carolina ethics decisions and opinions, along with ABA Formal Opinions issued during the year. Because technology is playing an increasingly important role in the […]

Lawyers may text to potential clients but with so many limitations that it might not be worth its while

The Ohio Disciplinary Board has advised that lawyers may use text messaging to contact potential clients.  In addition, the Board decided that text messaging generally did not amount to “real-time electronic contact” in violation of Rule 7.2 dealing with solicitation, distinguishing text messaging from contact in chat rooms.  Ohio Opinion #2013-2.   However, the committee also […]

Eric Sinrod (Duane Morris), Jonathan Armstrong (Cordery), TechLaw10

TechLaw10 is a 10-minute audio podcast update from U.S. lawyer Eric Sinrod (Duane Morris) and UK lawyer Jonathan Armstrong (Cordery) where they share insights on developments where technology intersects with the law in the EU and the U.S. Technethics selected the following list of podcasts whose topic is particularly relevant to Technology and Ethics. The list is updated […]

Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”) – 2013 in Review – Part Two

Originally published as Ethics Watch: Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”): 2013 in Review, South Carolina Lawyer 14 (March 2014) Bidding on the name of a competitor firm to obtain a sponsored link above the competitor in a Google search does not violate Wisconsin’s privacy law.  Under Wisconsin law use of a person’s name for advertising purposes without […]

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Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”) – 2013 in Review – Part One

Originally published as Ethics Watch: Technology and Ethics (“Technethics”): 2013 in Review, South Carolina Lawyer 14 (March 2014) In past years I have written a year-in-review Ethics Watch column, covering significant South Carolina ethics decisions and opinions, along with ABA Formal Opinions issued during the year. Because technology is playing an increasingly important role in the […]

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