Facebook users can file civil law suits, in addition to data protection complains, Vienna higher court rules

  On March 25, 2019, Vienna’s higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht Wien) ruled that “every citizen can not only file a complaint with the data protection authority, but also submit a lawsuit in courts.” See here. The claims is complicated and concerns Facebook’s breach of EU privacy laws. See here for more info. The admissibility of […]

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Update on the Irish High Court’s proceeding to decide request for ECJ’s preliminary ruling on Model Clauses

According to the Irish Data Protection Authority (DPA) the hearing before the Irish High Court brought by the DPA against Facebook Ireland Ltd and Mr Schrems over EU-US data transfers will possibly take another additional week (or two addition weeks) to conclude. More information on the case is available here. According to the available sources (see […]

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EU data protection jurisdiction may be triggered by the physical presence of one worker, Advocate General opines in Weltimmo case

On June 25, 2015, the advocate general of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”) filed his opinion in the case 230/14, Weltimmo s.r.o. v Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság (“Weltimmo”). According to the Advocate General, in order to determine which EU data protection law applies, authorities shall consider where the companies’ activity […]

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