Consiglio Nazionale Forense, sentenza del 6 giugno 2013, n. 89
Topics: Unethical advertisement, services offered at a symbolic price, accaparramento di clientela (“ambulance chasing”)
Consiglio Nazionale Forense* (Italian National Bar Council) held that it is unethical for lawyers to advertise in the internet that their services are offered for free, at a symbolic price, or anyway at a price that is much lower than the market price because this communication is only an advertisement and not informational, and appeals to clients’ emotions
*Consiglio Nazionale Forense is the public institution representing lawyers in Italy, which has among other functions, the competence for reviewing the decisions adopted by local Bars on disciplinary matters. See
Applicable law: Articles 5, 17, 17 bis, 18 and 19 of the Ethics Code
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