New York City Bar Formal Opinion 2000-1

Topic: Plan to solicit bids by lawyers to perform legal services on internet website; advertising, solicitation, and participation in a referral plan; duties with regard to advertising fees, client confidentiality, unauthorized practice of law, and conflicts of interest Digest: “Lawyers may respond to an invitation to bid on legal projects through an internet website where […]

North Carolina State Bar 2000 Formal Ethics Opinion 1

Topic: Advertising a Verdict Record Digest of the Committee: Opinion rules that, in the absence of a full explanation, advertising a lawyer’s or a law firm’s record in obtaining favorable verdicts is misleading and prohibited. Rule: North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct 7.1 The full text is available at http://www.ncbar…

Ohio Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline Opinion 99-9

[WARNING – CPR Opinion-provides advice under the Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility which is superseded by the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct, eff. 2/1/2007.] Topic: On-Line Legal Representation of Clients Through E-Mail Questions and Answer Syllabus of the Board: It is proper for an attorney to place an on-line intake form on the law firm […]

Kurt Metzmeier and Shaun Esposito, How to Avoid Losing Your License on the Information Superhighway, Ethical Issues Raised by the Use of the Internet in The Practice of Law

The Conclusion of the Article: “The information superhighway may be fraught with dangers for attorneys, particularly those who are apt to skirt the rules. Unwary lawyers may risk losing their license for inadvertently betraying client confidences, by soliciting clients on list serves and in chat rooms, or by passing over unclear ethical lines with a […]

Vermont Bar Association Advisory Ethics Opinion 97-05

Committee on Professional Responsibility of the Vermont Bar Association Topic: Communications with clients by unencrypted e-mail; Webpage advertisement and soliciting Digest of the Committee: “A lawyer does not violate DR 4-101 by communicating with a client by e-mail, including the Internet, without encryption. The use of an Internet web site to communicate with clients and prospective […]

District of Columbia Bar Opinion 249

Opinion No. 249 of the District of Columbia Bar’s Legal Ethics Committee Topic: Lawyer Advertising Summary of the Committee: “Rule 7.1(a) permits truthful claims of lawyer specialization so long as they can be substantiated. Claims that a lawyer can help a client ‘when others cannot’ are inherently incapable of substantiation and are prohibited by Rule […]