State Bar of Arizona Ethics Opinion 13-01

State Bar Association Committee on the Rules of Professional Conduct Topic: Lawyers’ Use of Deal-of-the-Day Marketing Programs Digest of the Committee: Whether an Internet marketing voucher or coupon sold by a lawyer for legal representation is consistent with the Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct will depend on the terms and conditions of the voucher or […]

The Florida Bar Standing Committee on Advertising Guidelines for Networking Sites

From the Guidelines: “The SCA has reviewed the networking media, and issues the following guidelines for lawyers using them. Pages of individual lawyers on social networking sites that are used solely for social purposes, to maintain social contact with family and close friends, are not subject to the lawyer advertising rules. Pages appearing on networking […]

Ohio Board of Commissioners on Grievances & Discipline Opinion 2013-2

The Supreme Court of Ohio Board of Commissioners on Grievances & Discipline Opinion 2013-2 Topic: Direct Contact with Prospective Clients: Text Messages Conclusion of the Board: “Text Message Advertising is Generally Permissible under Prof.Cond.R. 7.2(a)” Syllabus of the Board: “Prof.Cond.R. 7.2 allows lawyers to use text messages to solicit professional employment from prospective clients. However, […]

New York State Bar Opinion 964

Committee on Professional Ethics  Topic: Virtual law office; office address; advertising, business cards and letterhead Digest of the Committee: “Advertising for legal services may not identify a mail drop as the sole address, and must include the street address of the lawyer’s principal office; a lawyer’s business cards and letterhead may use a mail drop as […]

Nathan M. Crystal, Lawyers may text to potential clients but with so many limitations that it might not be worth its while

The Ohio Disciplinary Board has advised that lawyers may use text messaging to contact potential clients.  In addition, the Board decided that text messaging generally did not amount to “real-time electronic contact” in violation of Rule 7.2 dealing with solicitation, distinguishing text messaging from contact in chat rooms.  Ohio Opinion #2013-2.   However, the committee also […]

Nathan M. Crystal, Ethics Watch: So You Are Thinking About Moving – A Primer on Ethical Obligations of Departing Lawyers and Their Firms

South Carolina Lawyer 10 (March 2013) Author discusses various aspects involved when lawyers leave a firm. He suggests the drafting of partnership agreements to reduce the possibility of disputes and describes the clauses that should be included therein. The full text of part II is available at: http://www.nathancrystal…