Virginia Bar Association, Legal Ethics Opinion 1842

Ethics Committee Topic: Obligations of a Lawyer who Receives Confidential Information via Law Firm Website or Telephone Voicemail From the opinion “Standing alone, publication of a telephone number in a yellow pages advertisement cannot reasonably be construed as an invitation by the lawyer or firm to an individual to submit confidential information. The Committee believes the lawyer does […]

Consiglio Nazionale Forense, decision of December 10, 2007, no. 28

Consiglio Nazionale Forense, sentenza del 10 dicembre 2007, n. 28 Topic: Decency and respectability of the profession, publication of unbecoming pictures in lawyer’s website, unethical advertisement Consiglio Nazionale Forense* (Italian National Bar Council) held that lawyers must always comply with the principles of decency and respectability and that it is unethical for lawyers to publish in […]

District of Columbia Bar Opinion 335

Opinion No. 335 of the District of Columbia Bar’s Legal Ethics Committee Topic: “Whether a Lawyer May, as Part of a Settlement Agreement, Prohibit the Other Party’s Lawyer From Disclosing Publicly Available Information About the Case” Committee’s Summary: “A settlement agreement may not compel counsel to keep confidential and not further disclose in promotional materials […]

State Bar of California Formal Opinion 2005-168

State Bar of California Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct Formal Opinion 2005-168 Topic: Website disclaimer Digest of the Committee: “A lawyer who provides to web site visitors who are seeking legal services and advice a means for communicating with him, whether by e-mail or some other form of electronic communication on his web site, […]

New York State Bar Opinion 771

Committee on Professional Ethics  Modifies: Opinion No. 614 (1990) and Opinion No. 539 (1982) Topic: Website advertising, client testimonials and reports of past results Digest of the Committee: “A website advertisement that uses client testimonials or reports of past results is prohibited under DR 2-101(A) if the advertisement creates unjustified expectations, contains insufficient information, or is […]

State Bar of Arizona Ethics Opinion 02-04

State Bar Association Committee on the Rules of Professional Conduct Topic: Confidentiality; E-mail; Internet; Initial Consultation; Disclaimers Digest of the Committee: An attorney does not owe a duty of confidentiality to individuals who unilaterally e-mail inquiries to the attorney when the e-mail is unsolicited. The sender does not have a reasonable expectation of confidentiality in […]

Disciplinary Board of the Hawaii Supreme Court Formal Opinion No. 41

Topic: Attorneys’ Website From the Opinion: “Communications concerning an attorney’s service on a web site are advertising. As such, these communications are subject to HRPC 7.1 (communication cannot be false or misleading), HRPC 7.2 (advertising), HRPC 7.4 (communication of field of practive and certification), and HRPC 7.5 (firm names and letterheads).” Rules: 7.1; 7.2; 7.4; […]

Ohio Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline Opinion 99-9

[WARNING – CPR Opinion-provides advice under the Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility which is superseded by the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct, eff. 2/1/2007.] Topic: On-Line Legal Representation of Clients Through E-Mail Questions and Answer Syllabus of the Board: It is proper for an attorney to place an on-line intake form on the law firm […]