Agreement reached on a new EU- U.S. “Safe Harbour”(rebranded “Privacy Shield”)

On February 2, 2016, the EU Commission and the U.S. government approved the EU-U.S. “Privacy Shield”. This new framework reflects the requirements set out by the European Court of Justice in its ruling of October 6, 2015, which declared the old Safe Harbor framework invalid (see here for more information). The new Privacy Shield will […]

Judicial Redress Act of 2015 amended to apply only to countries allowing commercial data to flow between the U.S. and the EU

On January 28, 2016, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved an amended version of the Judicial Redress Act (Bill H.R. 1428). The Bill gives to citizens of certain countries a right to pursue their privacy rights in US courts. To be true, the Bill empowers the Attorney General to identify those countries whose citizens enjoy privacy protection. The amendment is the […]

EU-US Umbrella Agreement released by the US after EPIC’s FOIA request

On January 25, 2016, the US government responded to EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) ’s FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request and released in full the European Union-United States data protection “Umbrella Agreement”. The European Commission had already made the file publicly available on its website (see here) starting on September 2015. The US Government highlighted […]

The US suggest an “ombudsman” to deal with EU citizens’ privacy complaints against surveillance

According this source, the US have suggested the creation of an ombudsman to try to solve the issue created by the invalidation of the Safe Harbor. The ombudsman would be available to check on the U.S. government’ s access to EU personal data. The ombudsman would be in the State Department. As well known, the end of January is the […]

Henry Bagdasarian, The upcoming shortage of data protection officers

The author explains how the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR”, will impact organizations and Data Controllers processing EU citizen’s personal data. The author specifically discusses the figure of the qualified Data Protection Officers (DPO) and its professional requirements. He predicts a shortage of DPOs in Europe in the near future. The full […]

Net neutrality provisions challenged by the United States Telecom Association (USTA)

On December 4, 2015, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit heard the oral argument made in the case brought by United States Telecom Association (USTA) against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). USTA challenges FCC’s authority to regulate net neutrality and classifying broadband Internet providers as utility providers (or common carriers) […]