Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, The rationale of Advocate General Bot’s Opinion in Schrems: why the Safe Harbor Decision is invalid

On September 23, Advocate General Yves Bot at the European Court of Justice (“AG”) released his Opinion in C-362/14 (Maximilian Schrems v. Data Protection Commissioner). Waiting for the decision of the European Court of Justice – expected on October 6 – and keeping in mind that the Court follows the Advocate General’s opinions 80% of […]

French DPA confirms Google must apply right to be forgotten on all its domain extensions

On September 21, 2015, the French Data protection Authority CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Information et des Libertés) rejected Google’s informal appeal against the formal notice (see here) requesting it to apply delisting on all the search engine’s domain names, not only “fr” but also  .es;; .com, etc. The CNIL noted that if the right to be forgotten is […]

Andre Bywater, Jonathan Armstrong, and Gayle McFarlane, European Court legal advisor gives far-reaching ruling in Schrems Safe Harbor case

Authors discuss the Advocate-General conclusions in the Schrems case. According to the article, the opinion holds that “national data protection regulators do have the power to undertake such investigations [EU-US data transfers] and suspend data transfers”. The full text is available Originally published in…

Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, Federica Romanelli, Cookie rules or cookies rule? EU law and the situation in France, Germany, Italy, and the UK. P:art Two

France Article 32-II of the French Data Protection Act transposes into French law the obligation to obtain informed consent to store information of Article 5.3, Directive 2002/58/EC (above). On December 16, 2013, the CNIL, the French Data Protection Authority, released a set of practical FAQs (plus technical tools and relevant source code, in French) providing […]

Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, Federica Romanelli, Cookie rules or cookies rule? EU law and the situation in France, Germany, Italy, and the UK. Part One

Cookies are making headlines in Europe recently. In this blog we will have a closer look at the situation of France, Germany, Italy and the UK, focusing on information to users, users’ consent and consequences of violations. What is a cookie? “A cookie is a small piece of data that a website saves on your […]

EU-US “Umbrella Agreement” negotiations finalized: data protection in exchange of information between law enforcement authorities

  On September 8, 2015, the EU-US data protection “Umbrella agreement” negotiations were finalized. The “Umbrella Agreement” establishes a comprehensive data protection framework for EU-US law enforcement cooperation. The agreement covers all personal data (for example names, addresses, criminal records) exchanged between the EU and the U.S. for the purpose of prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution […]

Gov’t could access stored stored emails only with a warrant, a pending Bill provides

On September 16, 2015, the House Judiciary Committee held hearings on a Senate bill that would limit governmental access to stored emails. Bill S.356, Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015, amends the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, which requires email providers to divulge to government entities the contents of communication stored by […]