Children’s privacy is at risk, says Italian DPA

According to an investigation carried out by the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante della Privacy) the applications and the websites most used by Italian children do not adequately protect their privacy. Out of the 35 samples studied by the DPA (22 apps and 13 websites), 21 resulted highly at risk and 8 will require further investigation. […]

FTC has authority to bring unfairness claims even without formally issuing regulations, the Third Circuit found

The US Court of Appeals for the Third District confirmed that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), does have authority to bring an unfairness claim involving data security breach without formally issuing regulations before bringing such claims. Background. As reported here, after several data breaches the FTC alleged that Wyndham “failed to provide reasonable and appropriate […]

Ministry of Communications clarifies the scope of the amended Russian Personal Data Localization Law

September 2, 2015   Dear Sirs, We would like to update you on the latest news regarding the Federal Law № 242-FZ introducing amendments to the Federal Law “On personal data” and to the Federal Law “On information, information technologies and protection of information” (hereinafter – “Personal Data Localization Law”) which has come into force from […]

Tax evaders’ name cannot be published on municipalities’ websites, Italian DPA says

  Italian municipalities cannot publish on their website the names of those who did not pay city taxes. After one municipality announced the intention of publishing the names of those who did not comply with their fiscal duties, the Garante della Privacy (the Italian Data Protection Authority) started an investigation and clarified that the publication […]

Clapper update: ACLU moved Second Circuit to stop the Gov’t from resuming illegal mass surveillance of phone records

As reported here, on May 7, 2015, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit found that the controversial surveillance program according to which the NSA collected Americans’ phone records was not authorized under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act (ACLU v. Clapper, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 7531). On June 9 – after […]

Data Breach Litigation – A Web of Federal and State Laws. Part One

The news has been saturated lately by stories of data breaches. The IRS discovered recently that a breach of citizens’ tax return information covered more than 330,000 taxpayers, three times that originally identified in May of this year. Target’s data breach in 2013 is back in the news because the company just settled claims against it by […]

Data Breach Litigation – A Web of Federal and State Laws. Part Two

[continues…] The Target breach illustrates the breadth of applicable state laws when a data breach affects a large company. On December 19, 2013, Target announced that it had been the victim of a criminal attack on its computer network by third-party intruders who stole payment card data and other personal information from Target shoppers who shopped […]

As part of the “right to be forgotten”, Google must also delist the news about delisting, UK privacy authority says

On August 18, 2015, the UK Information Commissioner Office (“ICO”) issued an enforcement notice against Google because it contravened the first and the third data protection principles by referencing to an article detailing the delisting of a link that followed a “request to be forgotten”. According to the ICO, Google contravened the third data protection […]

Bruce Wright, Big Data and Privacy

Information Law Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Autumn 2015 From the article Privacy is being challenged by the burgeoning use of Big Data. The term “Big Data” has multiple definitions. This paper discusses the challenges to privacy posed by Big Data viewed as an Information Technology process that collects and parses huge sets of data […]