Arnett v. Bank of America, No. 3:11-cv-1372, 2014 WL 4672458 (D. Or. Sept. 18, 2014)

On September 18, 2014, the Oregon District Court, issued an order in a Consolidated Amended Class Action Complaint against excessive flood insurance coverage. Among other matters, the order is interesting because it highlights the parties’ use of TAR. In this case, Plaintiff’s counsel reviewed more than 1.1 million documents produced in the case using “search […]

Dynamo Holdings Ltd. P’ship v. Comm’r of Internal Revenue

Dynamo Holdings Ltd. P’ship v. Comm’r of Internal Revenue, Nos. 2685-11, 8393-12 (T.C. Sept. 17, 2014) A US Tax Court held that predictive coding technique could be used to identify information even thought respondent objected that it is “unproven technology”. Responded requests Petitioners to produce electronically stored information contained on two backup storage tapes or, […]

A federal court’s discovery order contains interesting points on production regarding social media and material possibly covered by foreign privacy

In Melian Labs Inc. v. Triology LLC, case number 4:2013cv04791, a trademark infringement action, plaintiff objected to defendant’s non responsive responses to some of its requests for production. The order of the court (NDCA) is interesting (at least) under two perspectives. First, the order is interesting for the part in which it deals with the […]

Victor Li, Looking back on Zubulake, 10 years later

ABA Journal, Sept. 2014 The author discusses the Zubulake cases and the consequences that the decision had for the E-Discovery industry. Referenced Authority Zubulake IV Zubulake V Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1); 37(e)   The full text is available at http://www.abajournal…

Electronic Discovery for Small Cases

We think of electronic discovery as mainly used in big cases, but discovery of electronically stored information (ESI) can be extremely important regardless of the size of the case.  However, how can lawyers accommodate the need for discovery of ESI with the practical and financial restraints that apply to small cases?   A useful volume that […]

Bridgestone Ams., Inc. v. Int’l Bus. Machines Corp., Case No. 3:13-1196, 2014 WL 4923014 (M.D. Tenn. July 22, 2014)

On July 22, 2014, the Tennessee District Court issued an order in a breach of contract dispute. Among other issues, the order is interesting because the Court permitted Plaintiff to switch to TAR after having previously agreed to use search terms and manual review. Defendant objected that the request was an “unwarranted change in the […]

Painter v. Atwood, No. 2:12-CV-01215- JCM, 2014 WL 1089694, at (D. Nev. Mar. 18, 2014)

On July 21, 2014, the United States District Court, District of Nevada, fined Plaintiff and her counsel for deletion of social media postings. The magistrate judge had granted in part Defendant’s Motions for Spoliation Sanctions against the Plaintiff for intentionally destroying text messages and Facebook posts that contradicted Plaintiff’s claims. Plaintiff moved to reconsider the […]