Italian Regulatory Authority for Communications creates permanent working group on M2M services

Considering the technological developments in the public utilities’ sector and the use of “smart” technological components, the AGCOM (Italian Regulatory Authority for Communications) – after studying the results a survey on M2M (see Delibera n. 708/13/CONS) – has established a permanent working group to study M2M issues. Delibera n. 459/15/CONS. The working group – which is open to the interested public […]

EU-US Umbrella Agreement released by the US after EPIC’s FOIA request

On January 25, 2016, the US government responded to EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) ’s FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request and released in full the European Union-United States data protection “Umbrella Agreement”. The European Commission had already made the file publicly available on its website (see here) starting on September 2015. The US Government highlighted […]

Europe is getting ready for drones: Parliament’s resolution and Commission’ s Aviation Strategy with policy proposals

  On October 29, 2015, the European Parliament approved a resolution on the safe use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) in the field of civil aviation. As flying drones for commercial services and recreational use becomes even more popular, the European Parliament calls for a legal European framework ensuring that they pose no threat […]

The US suggest an “ombudsman” to deal with EU citizens’ privacy complaints against surveillance

According this source, the US have suggested the creation of an ombudsman to try to solve the issue created by the invalidation of the Safe Harbor. The ombudsman would be available to check on the U.S. government’ s access to EU personal data. The ombudsman would be in the State Department. As well known, the end of January is the […]

European data protection reform: Council confirms agreement with the European Parliament

  On December 18, 2015, the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) confirmed the compromise texts of the general data protection reform (GDPR). The text is the one agreed between Council, Parliament and Commission on December 15, 2015 (see here), and approved by the European Parliament LIBE on December 17, 2015 (see here). This support enabled Coreper […]

Inspections to be held by Russian Data Protection Authority in 2016

We would like to inform you that Russian Data Protection Authority (Roskomnadzor) has announced its plan of inspections for 2016 aimed at checking compliance with personal data legislation. Altogether, Roskomnadzor intends to hold about 1 000 inspections. Among businesses to be checked are e-commerce (e.g., Wildberries, Ozon), banks (e.g., CityBank, UniCredit Bank, Moscow Credit Bank, […]

Henry Bagdasarian, The upcoming shortage of data protection officers

The author explains how the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR”, will impact organizations and Data Controllers processing EU citizen’s personal data. The author specifically discusses the figure of the qualified Data Protection Officers (DPO) and its professional requirements. He predicts a shortage of DPOs in Europe in the near future. The full […]

New EU legislation on IoT may be in the pipeline for 2016

According to this source, in November 2015, in a discussion on the  Internet of Things (IoT) policies, Thibaut Kleiner (head at the European Commission Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology (DG Connect)), said this is for a the EU “key moment in policy in relation to IoT”. Kleiner questioned whether the IoT should be […]