The UK is considering a bill on mass surveillance

On November 4, 2015, the House of Commons introduced a draft titled “Investigatory Powers Bill”. The Bill would govern the use of investigatory powers by law enforcement and security and intelligence agencies to access UK citizens’ internet data use. Among other provisions, the Bill would oblige service providers to help intercept data if there was a […]

VTech Hack Included Information for 6.4 Million Children

Digital toymaker VTech Holdings Ltd, based in Hong Kong, revealed [1] on Friday November 27 that hackers had accessed data of nearly 5 million customers, including “related kids profiles.” Days later, the company clarified [2] that data of 6.4 million children was compromised, including name, gender and birthdate.[3] Motherboard reports the stolen information includes children’s […]

Within January 29 Spanish companies must cease data transfer under the Safe Harbor (see AEDP’s communication)

  According to these sources (see here in Spanish and here in English), in November 2015, the Agencia Española de Proteccion de Datós (AEPD) sent a notice to all Spanish companies known to transfer data to third countries. The AEDP asked those companies to cease international data transfers after the European Court of Justice held the Safe Harbour […]

An update from Google on the “right to be forgotten” in Europe

  In November 2015, Google published a report accounting for European privacy requests for search removals after the European Court of Justice issued its famous “right-to-be-forgotten” decision in the Costeja case, C-131/12, holding that data subjects have a right to obtain the delisting of links appearing in the search results based on their name. According to the document, Google evaluated the […]

Germany to issue new rules for non-military drones

  On November 2015, the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure proposed new rules for non-military drones’ flights. According to the press release (in German here), drones are becoming a mass phenomenon but their use is not sufficiently regulated to address public safety. The Minister plans on redefining the use of unmanned aircraft […]

EU Commissioner Jourová spoke in DC about transatlantic data transfer

  On November 16, 2015, EU Commissioner Věra Jourová spoke in Washington about transatlantic data flow. After highlighting the importance of safeguarding, at the same time, the fundamental right to privacy, security, and economic opportunities and business growth, she remembered the latest developments in this area: (a) negotiation on an “umbrella” agreement on privacy and […]

Facebook to appeal Belgian court’s order to stop unconsented “data cookie” tracking

Facebook declared it will appeal a recent decision by the Brussels Court of First Instance (see here) — Rechtbank van eerste aanleg – which could lead to further fragmentation of EU data protection standards by giving ground to local data protection authorities to regulate another aspect of data processing within their own borders. The decision found the […]

Jonathan Armstrong, Gayle McFarlane, and André Bywater, European Commission Issues Post-Schrems Communication on EU-US Data Transfers

Introduction Developments following the European Court’s 6 October 2015 Schrems ruling that declared data transfers under Safe Harbor invalid continue apace with the publication of an official 16-page Communication from the European Commission of 6 November. Please refer to our main alert for the background and our comments (including 3 videos) on the Schrems judgment and its consequences along with […]