European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)’s Opinion 1/2015 on m-health

On May 21, 2015, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published Opinion 1/2015 (Mobile Health – Reconciling Technological Innovation with Data Protection). The opinion acknowledges that Mobile Health (“mHealth”) is a rapidly growing sector stemming out of the convergence between healthcare and ICT. mHealth includes mobile applications designed to deliver health-related services through smart devices. Big […]

Italian Data Protection Authority approves digital identity providers’ framework regulation

On April 23, 2015, the Autorità Garante della Privacy (Italian Data Protection Authority) issued an opinion approving the framework regulation for the digital identity providers’ accreditation and surveillance system. The regulation defines the requirements that the public system needs to have to manage the digital identity of citizens and companies. The full text of the […]

Italians well aware of their privacy rights

3 out of 10 Italian has contacted an organization to have their personal data deleted. According to Privacy Laws & Business, an online survey conducted in November 2014 on 800 Italians highlighted that the Italians pay considerable attention to privacy online, and are aware of their rights. More information is available at… Follow us […]

Phone call metadata is personal information and must be treated as such (including right of access), Australian Privacy Authority rules

On May 1, 2015, the Australian Privacy Commissioner ruled that phone call metadata is ‘personal information’ and therefore access rights apply. A data subject requested access to all his metadata information that Telstra, Australian telecom company, had stored about him in relation to his mobile phone service, including (but not limited to) cell tower logs, inbound […]

WP29 clarifies how multinational processors implement Binding Corporate Rules (BCR)

On May 22, 2015, the Article 29 Working Party (WP29) adopted a revised version of the Explanatory Document on the Processor Binding Corporate Rules (BCR). “Binding Corporate Rules” are binding internal rules intended to regulate the transfers of personal data that are originally processed by the organization as Controller within the same organization. The Document aims […]

UK government admits its intelligence intercepted attorney-client privileged conversations

According to the Guardian, on February 18, 2015, the UK government revealed that its intelligence agencies have been unlawfully monitoring attorney-client privileged conversations. The admission follows a decision (IPT/13/77/H) filed on February 6, 2015, by the UK Investigatory Powers Tribunal. The order declared that regulations covering access by British Government to emails and phone records intercepted […]

EU Commission adopts Digital Single Market Strategy

On May 6, 2015, the European Commission unveiled one of its top priorities, which is the creation of Digital Single Market within the EU. It adopted Communication COM(2015) 192 (Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions) which includes a set of 16 […]