EU Parliament worried about wiretapping confidential lawyer-client conversations

During a plenary meeting on January 13, 2015, the MEPs at the EU Parliament discussed whether a “structural” surveillance justified by “national security” would excuse tapping conversations between lawyers and their clients. The MEPs debated on how to balance national security needs and the right to confidentiality of communications between lawyers and suspects or accused […]

Australian Parliament pushes for greater security and privacy protection

On February 27, 2015, the Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security of the Parliament of Australia released a report containing 39 recommendations for the Government to change several privacy law provisions: Advisory Report on the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Bill 2014. Among others, the Report would require internet providers to store personal data for a minimum of […]

Italian DPA deems pre-filled tax declaration scheme compliant with privacy

On February 20, 2015 the Italian Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) approved the Tax Authority’s technical requirements that allow tax payers to access their pre-filled tax declaration (the s.c. “730” Form) finding no privacy violations in the scheme. The scheme has been drafted by the Italian Tax Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate) in charge of providing the […]

Class actions for privacy violations bill to be approved by German Parliament

The German Government approved a draft law to improve enforcement of certain data protection law provisions that aim to strengthen consumers’ protection. In particular, the draft law empowers consumers and business associations to commence actions against and issue warnings to companies who impermissibly collect, process or utilize personal data. The draft law, “Entwurf eines Gesetzes […]

Google will comply with Italian DPA’s privacy measures and will allow audits at its US headquarter

On February 20, 2015, the Italian DPA approved the protocol that the authority will carry out in order to verify Google’s compliance with the requirements set forth with decision 3295641 to protect the privacy of Google’s service users in Italy. The actual content of the approved protocol was not published, but according to the Italian […]

Stefano Cancarini, An update on cookies in Italy

On 16 January 2015, The Italian Data Protection Authority (the “Authority”) published a “video tutorial”, a guideline document and a “frequently answered questions list (FAQ)” on its website about information policies and consent requirements for the use of cookies, that further explains the rational for its decision no. 229: “Individualization of simplified modalities for the […]