Latest Legislative Changes Amending Significantly the Russian Personal Data Legal Landscape

July 9, 2014 We would like to alert you of the latest legislative changes amending significantly the Russian personal data legal landscape. The draft law No. № 553424-6 introducing amendments to the Federal Law “On personal data” and to the Federal Law “On information, information technologies and protection of information” (hereinafter – “Law”) has passed […]

Bing’s online form to ask to be forgotten

After the recent Court of Justice of the European Union’s ruling holding that certain users of search engines can ask, in certain cases, to search engines to remove results for queries that include their name (Case 131-12), Bing has uploaded a online form to ask for the removal in Europe.   Bing specifies that it will […]

Stefan Schuppert and Tim Wybitul, Irish High Court Refers Questions to European Court of Justice: Can National DPAs Disregard Safe Harbor?

The author discusses the question referred by the Irish High Court to the European Court of Justice (Case 2013 765 JR) of whether “national data protection authorities in Europe may disregard the Safe Harbor decision of the European Commission when assessing whether the U.S. recipient of data ensures an adequate level of data protection required under […]

Update on the right to be forgotten

According to the Washington Post the “right to be forgotten” just got real.  The newspaper reports that Google received more than 50,000 requests for removal. As ordered by the European court of justice, the company is beginning to remove content from search results. More information on the ECJ decision may be found here. Related documents […]

Personal data protection in Kazakhstan

On November 26, 2013, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On personal data and its protection” № 94-V ЗРК (hereinafter – “Personal Data Law”) entered into force. It states the rules on collection, processing, and protection of personal data (except for personal and family needs exclusively) for state archival purposes; for state secrets; for […]

Russia forces websites onto Russian servers

The Russian parliament has passed a law mandating that social networks and other similar services warehouse data on citizens within Russia. The Kremlin calls the new legislation required for citizenry data protection, but worldwide response to the law calls it a violation of Internet principles and troublesome for residents of the country. The new law […]

Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, Letter to Schulz, Ref. Ares (2014)1914918

In a letter dated June 12, 2014, Article 29 Working Party (“WP29”) urged Martin Shulz, President of the European Parliament, to include discussions on Binding Corporate Rules for Processors (“BCR-P”) when the trialogue between the European Council, Parliament and Commission on the EU Data Protection Reform will take place. BCR are a code of conduct […]