Recent statement on Mass Data Collection in Britain

Mr. Farr’s statement was filed as part of the British government’s response to a legal case brought by Privacy International, Amnesty International and other public interest groups trying to stop the bulk collection of communications data by intelligence agencies. The statement lays out the authority British intelligence agencies claim to have in intercepting communications carried […]

The European Data Protection Reform is on track, vice President of EU Commission says

Viviane Reding referenced about the Justice Council’s progress on the data protection reform. According to her press release, the Justice Council agreed on two pillars of the reform: 1) rules governing data transfer to third countries (which will be possible either when the Commission finds that a third country is “adequate” in terms of data […]

Canada said anonymity is vital to personal privacy

The Supreme Court of Canada said anonymity is vital to personal privacy in the digital era. The Court held inter alia that a judge’s permission is needed before asking Internet providers for basic information that would identify their customers. The case deals with a suspected child pornographer in a 2007 Saskatchewan investigation. More information at […]

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)’s 2013 Report “Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2013”

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) – one of the decentralized agencies of the European Union – issued its 2013 Report  Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2013 – Annual report 2013. Section 3 deals with Data Protection (Information Society, Respect for Private Life and Data Protection) and in particular with the following: –       Mass surveillance revelations spark […]

Do EU authorities think that Google needs help … to help Europeans to be forgotten?

Article 29 privacy group met on June 4, 2014 to decide whether a special taskforce of European privacy overseers should monitor Google’s attempts to respond to citizens’ requests to be forgotten. They decided it should. The taskforce should analyze how European regulators should react in case of complaint of citizens — which might be likely […]

Italian Data Protection Authority’s Decision on information and consent requirements for the use of cookies — doc. web n. 3118884

Published on June 3, 2014 on the Italian Official Gazette no. 126, the May 8, 2014 Italian Data Protection Authority (GPD)’s decision on the use of cookies by websites. Individuazione delle modalità semplificate per l’informativa e l’acquisizione del consenso per l’uso dei cookie. The GPD orders that pursuant to Articles 122(1) and 154(1)(h) of the Privacy Code, websites […]

FTC Settles with companies falsely claiming to comply with Safe Harbor

In January 2014 the Federal Trade Agency informed that twelve U.S. businesses agreed to settle after they falsely claimed to be abiding by the international privacy framework known as the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor. The U.S.-EU Safe Harbor enables U.S. companies to transfer consumer data between the United States and the European Union, in compliance with […]