ECJ’s right to be forgotten decision: Europeans have the right to disappear from search engines’ results – C-131/12

On May 13, 2014, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the Google Spain SL, Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) — Case C 131-12, issued a preliminary ruling (i.e. an interpretation decision) on referral of the Spanish Audiencia Nacional (National High Court). The ECJ found that a search engine’s retrieval […]

Hogan Lovells, Privacy Alert, EU High Court Grants “Right to Be Forgotten” and Expands Privacy Jurisdiction Over Foreign Companies: What Should Businesses Operating Outside of Europe Do Now?

The article comments the “right to be forgotten decision” of the European Court of Justice  (Case C 131-12) In particular, in light of decision, the article discuss the following points: -whether the “activity of a search engine properly classified as “processing of personal data” and whether “the operator of the search engine [ is] thus a […]

EU Parliament votes to ensure open access for all internet services and to repeal roaming fees

The EU Parliament voted a “telecom package” legislation barring internet access providers from blocking specific services for economic reasons and to end mobile phone roaming fees beginning of 2016. If this legislation is approved by the EU Council operators will be prohibited from blocking or slowing down selected services (e.g., free calling services like Skype) […]

Data Retention Directive declared invalid by European Court of Justice

On April 8, 2014 the European Court of Justice declared invalid Directive 2006/24/EC (“Data Retention Directive”) on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications or public communications networks. The directive establishes that providers must retain traffic and location data as well as related data necessary […]

CCBE, second guidance on “Corporate Social Responsibility for the Legal Profession”

The social responsibility for businesses is an increasingly important topic. Lawyers and law firms are interested in this field under at least three perspectives: (i) as counselors for their clients on these issues; (ii) as suppliers of services to their clients, when they are asked to adhere to their clients’ code of conduct; and (iii) […]

European data protection reform is imminent

On March 12, 2014, the European Parliament approved in its plenary section the Commission’s data protection reform proposal. The reform consists of two bills: a Regulation setting out a general EU framework for data protection and a Directive on protecting personal data processed for the purposes of prevention, detection, investigation or prosecution of criminal offences […]

Francesca Giannoni and Federica Romanelli, Italian Privacy Authority issued Regulation no. 444 on the processing of personal data through call centers located outside the EU imposing strict requirements and communication to the Privacy Authority

The Italian Data Protection Authority issued detailed rules for the processing of personal data by call centers located outside the EU, which operate on behalf of Italian data controllers to provide customer care or for marketing purposes. According to Directive 95/46/EC the transfer of personal data to third countries not ensuring an adequate level of […]