Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar Opinion #195

Maine Professional Ethics Commission Topic: Clients Confidence: communications with clients by unencrypted e-mail Conclusion of the Commission: “The Commission concludes that, as a general matter and subject to appropriate safeguards, an attorney may utilize unencrypted e-mail without violating the attorney’s ethical obligation to maintain client confidentiality.” Rules: Code of Professional Responsibility of the Maine Bar […]

New York State Bar Opinion 820

Committee on Professional Ethics Topic: Use of E-mail Service Provider that Scans E-mails for Advertising Purposes Digest of the Committee: A lawyer may use an e-mail service provider that conducts computer scans of e-mails to generate computer advertising, where the e-mails are not reviewed by or provided to human beings other than the sender and […]

Pennsylvania Bar Association Opinion 2007-100

Committee on Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Topic: Rights of Access, Possession and Copying, Along with Retention Considerations From the Opinion: “This Formal Opinion supersedes all prior inconsistent opinions of the Committee and should be reviewed for guidance by Pennsylvania lawyers when they are opening, closing or taking other action with respect to the contents of […]

New Jersey Advisory Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion 701

Topic: Electronic storage and access of client files From the Opinion: “We are reluctant to render an [sic] specific interpretation of RPC 1.6 or impose a requirement that is tied to a specific understanding of technology that may very well be obsolete tomorrow. Thus, for instance, we do not read RPC 1.6 or Opinion 515 as imposing a […]