ABA Formal Opinion 95-398

Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility – Formal Opinion 95-398 Topics: Access of Nonlawyers to a Lawyer’s Data Base Digest of the Committee: “A lawyer who gives a computer maintenance company access to information in client files must make reasonable efforts to ensure that the company has in place, or will establish, reasonable procedures to […]

North Carolina State Bar Formal Ethics Opinion 215

Topic: E-mail Encryption, Technology Communications and Duty of Confidentiality “Opinion rules that when using a cellular or cordless telephone or any other unsecure method of communication, a lawyer must take steps to minimize the risk that confidential information may be disclosed. … In using e-mail, or any other technological means of communication that is not secure, […]

New York State Bar Opinion 623

Committee on Professional Ethics Topic: Closed files; disposition procedures; dissolution of law firm Digest of the Committee: “Procedures for disposing of closed files; partners’ ethical obligations are joint and several notwithstanding dissolution.” Rules: DR 1-102(A)(5), 4-101(B)(1), 4-101(D), 9-102(B), 9-102(D), 9-102 (G); EC 1-5, 4-4, 4-6, 7-1, 7-8, 7-11, 7-12 The full text is available at […]