Florida Supreme Court, Opinion 2009-20
Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee Topic: Judge/Lawyer Use of Social Network The full text is available at: http://www.jud6…
Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee Topic: Judge/Lawyer Use of Social Network The full text is available at: http://www.jud6…
Professional Guidance Committee The Committee addressed the following inquiry: “The inquirer proposes to ask a third person, someone whose name the witness will not recognize, to go to the Facebook and Myspace websites, contact the witness and seek to ‘friend’ her, to obtain access to the information on the pages. The third person would state only […]
Professional Responsibility and Ethics Committee Topic: Lawyers’ participation in listserv communications and chat rooms – “Do lawyers participating in e-mail communications with a listserv or ‘chat room’ risk engaging in improper ex parte communications if judges in front of whom the lawyers may appear also have access to that same information?” Summary of the opinion (by […]
State Bar of California Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct Formal Opinion 2004-166 Topic: Solicitation Digest of the Committee: “While an attorney’s communication with a prospective fee-paying client in the mass disaster victims Internet chat room described herein is not a prohibited ‘solicitation’ within the meaning of subdivision (B) of rule 1-400, it violates subdivision […]
Topic: Lawyers’ Use of Social Networks Faced with the following inquiry: “May a lawyer access or otherwise use the social network site of a third person to benefit a client?” The Committee answered: “A lawyer may access or otherwise use the social network of a third person to benefit a client, as long as the conduct does […]