Giacchetto v. Patchogue-Medford Union Free Sch. Dist., 293 F.R.D. 112 (E.D.N.Y. 2013)

In this disability discrimination case, the defendant filed a motion to compel the plaintiff to release records from her social media accounts. Defendant’s motion to compel is limited to three categories of information: (1) postings about Plaintiff’s emotional and psychological well-being; (2) postings about Plaintiff’s physical damages; and (3) any accounts of the events alleged […]

The Florida Bar Standing Committee on Advertising Guidelines for Networking Sites

From the Guidelines: “The SCA has reviewed the networking media, and issues the following guidelines for lawyers using them. Pages of individual lawyers on social networking sites that are used solely for social purposes, to maintain social contact with family and close friends, are not subject to the lawyer advertising rules. Pages appearing on networking […]

Justin P. Murphy & Adrian Fontecilla, Social Media Evidence in Government Investigations and Criminal Proceedings: A Frontier of New Legal Issues

19 Rich. J.L. & Tech 11 (2013), available at   From the Article: “As the newest pillar of communication in today’s society, social media is revolutionizing how the world does business, discovers and shares news, and instantly engages with friends and family.  Not surprisingly, because social media factors into the majority of cases in some […]

Oregon State Bar Formal Opinion 2013-189

Oregon State Bar Formal Opinion No. 2013-189  Approved by Board of Governors, February 2013 Topic: Lawyers’ Use of Social Networks Oregon lawyers may access publicly available information on social networking sites, can request access to non-public information if the person is not represented by counsel in the matter, and may in very limited circumstances advise or supervise […]

New York City Bar Formal Opinion 2012-2

Topic: Jury Research and Social Media Question: “What ethical restrictions, if any, apply to an attorney’s use of social media websites to research potential or sitting jurors?” Digest of the Committee: “Attorneys may use social media websites for juror research as long as no communication occurs between the lawyer and the juror as a result […]