Florida Bar Advisory Opinion No. A-00-1 (Revised)

Florida Bar Standing Committee on Advertising Topic: Attorney Advertising through Chat Rooms Digest of the Committee: An attorney may not solicit prospective clients through Internet chat rooms, defined as real time communications between computer users. Lawyers may respond to specific questions posed to them in chat rooms. Lawyers should be cautious not to inadvertently form […]

South Carolina Supreme Court Order – Amendment of the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct and Rule 407

South Carolina Supreme Court broadens but also restricts lawyers’ advertisement. By order of August 22, 2011, the SC Supreme Court amended the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct and Rule 407 of the South Carolina Appellate Court Rules (SCACR). Declining to adopt the majority of the changes proposed by the South Carolina Bar’s Commission on […]

New York State Bar Opinion 848

Committee on Professional Ethics Topic: Attorney Newsletters; Advertisement Digest of the Committee: Whether a publication by a lawyer or law firm is an ‘advertisement’ depends on its content, its intended purpose, and the targeted audience. With certain exceptions, if a publication is an advertisement, it must be labeled ‘Attorney Advertising,’ and if it makes certain […]

New York City Bar’s Advertising FAQ

The New York City Bar Committee on Professional Ethics prepared a series of common questions regarding New York’s lawyer advertising and solicitation rules that were adopted within the past few years and included in the Rules of Professional Conduct that became effective in April 2009.   The full text is available at http://www.nycbar.org…

Consiglio Nazionale Forense, decision of December 10, 2007, no. 28

Consiglio Nazionale Forense, sentenza del 10 dicembre 2007, n. 28 Topic: Decency and respectability of the profession, publication of unbecoming pictures in lawyer’s website, unethical advertisement Consiglio Nazionale Forense* (Italian National Bar Council) held that lawyers must always comply with the principles of decency and respectability and that it is unethical for lawyers to publish in […]

New York State Bar Opinion 799

Committee on Professional Ethics Explains: Opinion No. 779 (2004) Topic: Advertising and solicitation; internet website directory Digest of the Committee: “Lawyer may not participate in website that charges lawyer a fee to provide information about potential clients whom lawyer will then contact, where the website purports to analyze the prospective client’s problem and selects which […]